H&V required a modernised IT infrastructure to reflect their market success and support continuous growth

Business Growth

The Challenge

The journey with H&V began with a deep dive into their existing IT setup, identifying critical areas for improvement to align with their status as a market leader and future growth plans. Our targeted approach focused on.

Brightside Connect’s Solution

  • Connectivity Enhancement
  • Support Optimisation
  • Software Unification
  • Backup Automation
  • Network Security
  • Server Modernisation
  • Cybersecurity Strengthening
  • Efficiency Boost
TRANSFORMation achieved

Securing H&V’s Market Position: Robust IT, Unified Software, Automated Backups

Post-transformation, H&V Insulation Services enjoys a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure that mirrors their industry leadership.

Enhanced connectivity, unified software systems, automated backups, and fortified cybersecurity have set a solid foundation for their continued growth and operational excellence.

This strategic IT overhaul has not only streamlined their processes but also fortified their position as a leading insulation distributor in the UK.

  • Understood
  • Planned
  • Delivered
  • Supported

The transformation spearheaded by our IT partners has profoundly impacted H&V Insulation. The migration of our critical Sage Software to Microsoft Azure, together with the comprehensive IT upgrades, has streamlined our operations and significantly enhanced our cybersecurity posture. Their expert guidance and support at every stage of this journey have been invaluable.

Rob Collins, Managing Director H&V INSULATION

Book your free IT Discovery and Report

We visit your site and understand everything you have from your internet, network and firewall through to the software, hardware and cyber security measures you have in place.

We bring this all together in a report to highlight everything you have, don’t have and then what we suggest you should have.

03301 33 66 50 enquiries@brightsideconnect.com