Enviroshield Services required unified IT infrastructure that not only supports their current operational needs but is also scalable to accommodate future growth

Business Growth

The Challenge

Enviroshield faced significant IT challenges, including disparate systems causing operational inefficiencies and a lack of advanced cybersecurity, leaving them vulnerable to threats.

They struggled with project management and compliance adherence, hindering their ability to scale operations in line with their growth ambitions.

These challenges necessitated a comprehensive IT overhaul to streamline processes, enhance security, and support their expansion goals effectively.

Brightside Connect’s Solution

  • Upgraded Connectivity
  • Network Security
  • Hardware Standardisation
  • Software Efficiency
  • Project Management Tools
  • Cybersecurity Certification
  • Compliance Achievement
  • Operational Streamlining
TRANSFORMation achieved

Empowering Enviroshield: Scalable IT, Enhanced Security, Streamlined Efficiency, Market Leadership

Enviroshield Services now boasts an IT infrastructure that not only supports their current operational needs but is also scalable to accommodate future growth.

With enhanced cybersecurity, streamlined project management, and improved efficiency, they are well-positioned to execute their expansion plans confidently.

The transformation has empowered Enviroshield to maintain a competitive edge in the market, ensuring they remain leaders in their industry.

  • Understood
  • Planned
  • Delivered
  • Supported

The IT overhaul by Brightside Connect has been transformative… Brightside Connect’s expertise and ongoing support have been exceptional…

Gary Ferguson, General Manager ENVIROSHIELD SERVICES

Book your free IT Discovery and Report

We visit your site and understand everything you have from your internet, network and firewall through to the software, hardware and cyber security measures you have in place.

We bring this all together in a report to highlight everything you have, don’t have and then what we suggest you should have.

03301 33 66 50 enquiries@brightsideconnect.com